Boyce Baptist Church
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Boyce Baptist Church History

Boyce Baptist Church
Est. c. 1888  

The Beginning

A few members of Bethel Church were residing in and around Millwood and for some time had held services in a hall in Millwood owned by Mr. J. N. Laws. Rev. George F. Williams, residing in Millwood for a while, worshiped with them. (This hall is gone now but it was located around the corner of where the post office in Millwood is today.)
On August 28, 1888 a meeting was held in this hall for the purpose of considering the organization of a church in Millwood. Seven men and twelve women members of Bethel Church were present. Rev. Williams chaired. The organization was affected by those present resigning to subscribe to the following covenant.
Having been as we trust brought by divine grace to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ and to give ourselves wholly to him, we do now zealously and joyfully covenant with each other to walk together in Him with brotherly love to His glory as our common Lord. We do, therefore, in His strength engage. That we will exercise a Christian care and watchfulness over each other and faithfully morn, exert, and admonish each other as occasions may require. That we will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together but will uphold the public worship of God and the ordinances of His house. That we will not omit closet and family religion at home nor neglect the great duty of religiously training our children and those under our care for the service of Christ and the enjoyment of heaven. That as we are the light of the world and salt of the earth, we will seek divine aid to enable us to deny ungodliness and every worldly lust and to walk circumspectly in the world. That we may win the souls of men. That we will cheerfully contribute of our property according as God has prospered us for the maintenance of a faithful and evangelical ministry among us for the support of the firm and to spread the Gospel over the earth. That we will in all conditions even till death strive to live to the glory of Him who hath called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. ''And may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood, the everlasting covenant, make us perfect in every good work to do His will working in us that which is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen"
Also at this meeting Mr. J. N. Laws and Mr. C. A. Ford were appointed messengers to make application for membership in the Shenandoah Association. The church is to be called the Millwood Baptist Church.
The following were dismissed at their own request from the mother church, Bethel Baptist Church, Clarke County, Virginia for the purpose of organizing a new church at Millwood, Virginia: Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Laws, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elsea, Misses Maggie and Sydnie Hansucker, Miss Fannie Carr, Miss Lena Levi, Mr. E. D. Laus, Mrs. Dilmar Estep, Miss Annie Estep, Miss Rosa Holland, Mrs. Cobb, J. J. Dervon and C. A. Ford.
On December 1, 1888 Rev. Frank P. Robertson of Martinsburg, West Virginia held a revival service continuing for several weeks. Brother J. Wiley led the singing, preaching, and con- ducted the prayer meeting exercises. Pastor Julian Broaddus of Berryville also preached several times before and during the meeting. These services resulted in twenty-eight additions in baptism.
There was occasional preaching by visiting ministers. Whenever the church did not have a pastor, Rev. Julian Broaddus of Berryville would come on Sunday afternoons and conduct a worship service. During this time the Berryville Church acted like a mother church to the Millwood Church. On occasions the baptistery in the Berryville Church would be used for our baptismal candidates.
The first recorded service of deacon ordination occurred in April, 1889. Mr. R. H. Ritter and Mr. C. A. Ford were ordained by T. B. Shepherd and Julian Broaddus. J. N. Laws had been accepted by the church to this office some time before.
Rev. W. S. Dorset of Williamsburg, Virginia became pastor in October, 1889. A committee was appointed to visit the Mountain Church and state what had been done. During his pastorate he took a one year leave of absence in 1895 to attend the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. The church gave him vacation on half salary. On Sunday evening, February 14, 1897 he preached his farewell sermon. He resigned to take work in a less frigid climate in the south.
Rosa Holland was treasurer of Ladies Missionary Society.
Strict discipline and system was used in transaction of all business. A committee visited those who were absent from public worship and who failed to contribute the expenses of the church and their reply reported to the church. Those living disorderly were arraigned before the church and either expelled or made promises to reform.
The pastor, as he chaired during a regular business meeting, would appoint a committee to solicit from the members of the church and collect money. Some of the expenses were: Minister's Relief Fund, Incidental Expense, Printing of Associational Minutes, Housekeeper, Home Missions, State Missions, and Foreign Missions. However, on December 1, 1889 the church decided to take a basket collection at the regular services and this collection would go into the treasury for charitable purposes after all incidental expenses are paid.
In May 1889 Brother Laws was elected treasurer.
1890 – 1899
On May 10, 1890 a committee was appointed to devise a plan for taking the first step in regards to building a church. On May 25 a report from the committee was received which stated: 1) as far as they were able to ascertain, the entire membership fully endorse building a Baptist Church in Millwood; 2) suggest a thorough canvass of this membership be made to secure funds for this purpose; and 3) suggest that a committee of six three's males and females be appointed today to canvass the membership and make report at the next church meeting, Saturday before the second Sunday in June. As suggested, committee was appointed.
On April 11, 1891 a committee was appointed to purchase lot on which to build a church.
On May 21, 1892 a bid from Mr. Godnes had been accepted and a meeting had been set to close the contract for the church building. Subscriptions were secured from Rockland Church to the Building Fund. Mountain Baptist Church had appointed a committee to wait upon the members of their church and raise funds.
On April 23, 1893 the following were elected trustees hold the property of the church: R. H. Ritter, J. N. Laws, and C. A. Ford. They were instructed to secure a deed for the church lot.
Church Building Committee Report on August 11, 1893:
                    Amount received          $1,752.08
                    Amount expended        -1,669.94
                    Amount in treasury              82.14
On a Sunday in August, 1893 the members met the first time in the new church. Pastor Dorset preached. Also, the new church building was dedicated in August. The church entertained the Shenandoah Association on August 30 - 31 and September 1. There were no pews in the church. Chairs were arranged in three sections for the worshipers to sit with one section used by the choir. Outside the church was a hitching post for the worshipers to tie their horses to as they came. (Today this church is located on the left side of Route 723, as you travel east through Millwood.)
On January 12, 1894 the church appointed the deacons committee for starting a poor fund for
the church.
On July 8, 1894 the Pastor and several church members took the liberty to exchange our old organ for a new one and had obligated to pay a difference of $50 - $10 cash and the balance in 120 days.
On May 9, 1897 a unanimous call was extended to Rev. C. L. Corbitt of Norfolk, Virginia now at Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Salary of $200 and pay half of house rent, if needed, not to exceed $100. Rev. Corbitt sent a letter to Brother Laws stating he would accept the call and begin work on July 1. He served the church until October, 1898.
On June 6, 1897 the Clerk was instructed to order envelopes to be used in collecting the pastor's salary which was paid monthly.
A baptismal service took place on Sunday, December 12, 1897 at three o'clock. The sixteen candidates were baptized by Pastor Corbitt in the run below Millwood near Brother Laws' lot before a large and attentive assembly. (This lot was located behind the community building that stands in Millwood today.)
In October, 1898 and the following months Brother Raymond preached since the church was without a regular pastor. On January 15, 1899, the church extended a call to Brother J. E.
Raymond. He was to be paid a salary of $200 per annum for the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Rev. Raymond accepted this call on March 5, 1899. His pastorate was handicapped on account of being greatly crippled and he resigned the first day of September, 1899.
The Clerk was instructed at this time to write to the Mountain Church and the church at Pleasant Vale and state we are now without a pastor and ask them to state whether they wished to remain in the present field.
Sunday school and midweek prayer service were well attended.
1900 – 1909
A meeting was held after church service on April 29, 1900. Several brethren were placed in nomination by ballot. A vote was taken which resulted in T. B. Shepherd being elected. At first Mr. Shepherd did not accept the calling; however, later in September the Clerk was instructed to write Brother Shepherd and ask him to reconsider his call to our church. Brother Shepherd accepted the call and his salary began on November 1. He began protracted service on the fourth Sunday in October and preached for one week. All of the pastors resided in Millwood up till now. Brother Shepherd lived on his farm. Rev. Shepherd served until 1904 at which time he resigned on account of age and failing health.
On August 26, 1900 it was reported at a business meeting the Sunbeam Band had contributed to the orphanage and Foreign Missions.
On August 9, 1903 "our dear young brother'' Lacy M. Ritter was ordained to the full work of the ministry in our church. The following brethren participated in the service: I. B. Lake, Julian Broaddus, L. R. Milbourne, and J. R. Murdock. Rev. Clyde Holland had already gone out from Millwood Church as a minister.
In June, 1904 a call was extended to Rev. Julian Broaddus of Berryville to become our pastor for two sermons a month.
On August 3 Rev. Broaddus preached and stated he had decided to accept the call the church had extended him. On the fourth Sunday in November, 1906 Rev. Broaddus tendered his resignation as pastor of the church and recommended a field be formed with Millwood, Bethel, Rockland, and Mountain churches.
In 1907 R. H. Ritter became church clerk. C. A. Ford resigned when he moved to Front Royal. He held this position since the organization of the church.
Rev. H. B. Jordan of Virginia was called to pastor the churches. He accepted, came to the field with his family, preached for the churches for one month, and left the field much to the regret of the churches. His pastorate was through the month of February, 1907.
On the second Sunday in October, 1907 the Rev. H. B. Stoneham preached for us and the church extended him a call for one Sunday a month. He accepted the call and also the other churches of the field. He came to the field at once. His pastorate ended on February 12, 1911.
On November 14, 1909 the church adopted the following resolution in collecting monies: The pastor will canvass the church and secure subscriptions from each person. He will present a list of the subscriptions to the church treasurer in a business meeting. The treasurer will keep record of the subscriptions and report any delinquent subscription to the pastor at the next regular business meeting. The pastor or a committee appointed by him will wait upon the subscriber and turn in the subscription to the treasurer.
On February 12, 1911 representatives met with commit- tees from Rockland and Bethel churches for the purpose of selecting a lot on which to build a parsonage for the field. A lot in Boyce was purchased from Mr. Eidson and wife at a cost of $250 for one third of an acre. This amount to be equally divided among Rockland, Bethel, and Millwood churches. After the lot was paid for, a deed was received in which Brothers T. B. Levi, Clay Carr and R. H.
Ritter were named as trustees.
A committee from each church on the field met in Boyce to secure a pastor. They decided to call Rev. George T. Schools. Rev. Schools accepted the call and commenced to work in September, 1911. He could not find a suitable house so he lived in White Post. After the parsonage was built in 1912 by a carpenter named Mr. Jim Diffendaffer, he was the first to occupy it. During his pastorate he suggested the three churches call him for all his time. He proposed to preach at all the churches each Sunday; however, this proposal was not accepted. Rev. Schools left the pastorate of the church on September 1, 1913.
The Ladies Aid Society was organized on December 16, 1911 at the home of Mrs. John Stinson. On this date Mrs. Stinson was elected chairman and Mrs. L. H. Roy was elected secretary. Mrs. Roy held this position for a very brief time period. Upon her resignation, Miss Maude A. Levi (who we lovingly know today as Mrs. J. R. Strode) was appointed secretary on February 3, 1912. This group of women had monthly meetings. In the beginning their average attendance was between five to seven members. Each member would pay a monthly due of twenty-five cents. They conducted bazaars and gave their proceeds to the church building committee for the parsonage fund until the fund was paid in full in 1913.
In 1912 about a half dozen interested women and the Association Superintendent, who was Mrs. Belle Wharton Petty, came together at the parsonage in Boyce and organized the Woman's Missionary Society. From the files of memories it is thought that Mrs. Virginia Cobb was made president, though this is not positive.
For the sake of convenience the Ladies Aid Society and the Womanly Missionary Society met at the same time and place. The first order was merged into the meeting of the second without recess.
There being no material in Millwood a Sunday school was organized in April, 1914 meeting in Simpson's Hall. John F. Stinson was Sunday School Superintendent. This hall was built by Manly Simpson. Later it was sold to Mr. Wyndham and became known as Wyndham's Hall. This hall was used as a movie theatre. The Sunday school paid Mr. Wyndham twenty- five cents a night for rental. (At the time of this writing, there is a store in Boyce called the Boyce Grocery. Overtop this store is the place that was once known as Wyndham's Hall.)
About September 1, 1914 the committees from the churches of the field decided to call Rev. T. D. D. Clark of Manassas who accepted the call to preach at each church once a month.
He commenced preaching at Millwood on the second Sunday in October. He offered his resignation on July 9, 1916.
At a monthly meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of November, 1914 the ladies decided to purchase a vacant lot adjoining the parsonage lot at Boyce from Mr. Edison at the price of $250. At a church business meeting they told the church of their proposal to buy said lot for the purpose of building a church and for Sunday school. They made the first payment of $83.33 in 1915 and their final payment in 1917.
After the ladies paid off the notes to the lot, they began undertaking other goals such as furnishing the parsonage with screen doors and windows, lights, stove, fence, etc.
On April 15, 1917 Rev. Buyck preached with view to a call. Subsequently, he was called to the field and took up the work at Millwood Church in June. He served this field until he resigned on October 19, 1919.
On October 19, 1919 a business meeting was held at Boyce in Wyndham's Hall. There were fourteen members present. A vote was taken whether the organization of the church should remain at Millwood or be removed to Boyce. There were 13 votes cast for removal and one against.
Also at this meeting of October 19 a report was made that a Sunday-School had been conducted at Boyce in a rented hall for five consecutive years with an enrollment of 40 - 50 including 12 - 15 church members.
On October 21, 1919 a meeting was held with full attendance of Acting Board of Shenandoah Association and a representative from each church on field - Bethel, Rockland, and Mountain - present. On this date Boyce Baptist Church was a settled fact and constituted one of the twenty-six churches in Shenandoah Association. As a beginning of new life, the list of members, twenty-three in number, was transferred to the new location.
Sunday school and Prayer Service with occasional preaching service continued until the winter weather and the want of heat in Wyndham's Hall forced a discontinuation of assembling. During the winter there was occasional preaching in the Methodist Church by a visiting Baptist pastor.
 In January, 1920 the church decided to call Rev. John Branch Williams to the pastorate. He later accepted and took up the work the first of May. This faithful and never ceasing worker served the congregation until March 1, 1928.
Business meetings of the Boyce Baptist Church have been held at Wyndham's Hall. In October the stove from the Sunday school room at Millwood was moved to the hall for heating.
On July 14, 1920 a committee was appointed to attend the final arrangements for the corner lot to be used as the site of a Baptist Church. On April 12: 1922 it was decided to build the church on line with the Parish Hall and Mrs. Levi's house, thereby including the old excavation of the Boyce Hotel. A large corner lot was purchased for $1,000 cash. The Pastor and people worked and gave for the new church building which was completed and dedicated in July, 1923. Price $14,000.
On November 24 1920 a committee was appointed to see what could be done ln the matter of the building in Millwood. On January 26, 1921 this committee recommended selling the Millwood Church to the highest bidder. The church voted unanimously to act on recommendation. On February 19, 1921 a public sale was held. The ''colored Baptists of Millwood'' was the purchaser for $2,000. One third was paid cash and bonds were given for one and two year’s cash being $666.66. Thus the church building was turned over to the "colored missionary Baptists of Millwood''. (As of the time of this history the church is called Shiloh Baptist Church.)
F. M. Stuart was trying to sell the Stuart Lot which joins the Baptist lot in Boyce for $300 and the purchaser pays all back taxes. On March 15, 1922 the lot was purchased. The Episcopalians paid one half of the price and received one half of said lot.
On February 28, 1923 the report on the finances of the Building Fund stated the church had a debt of $1200, the debt for lumber and the balance due on the outside Millwood. Rev. Williams stated that if the church would borrow $5000 for six months, he, at the expiration of six months would assume the interest on the debt and about $3000 for a term of 2 1/2 years. Motion was made the church would borrow $5000.
In May, 1923 the Gore Church was admitted into the Boyce Field for one year. The Gore Church had one Sunday service each month and paid a salary of $360. In October, 1925 the pastor resigned the church at Gore.
On October 7, 1923 the Finance Committee reported they bought a pipe less furnace (Lyons) for $246 installed for the church. Two of our members, Oscar Carr and John Martin, put the furnace in.
In 1925 Boyce Baptist Church paid for half of the line fence between the parsonage and the Episcopal Church.
Boyce Church entertained the Shenandoah Association on August 26 and 27, 1925.
On September 21, 1927 at a business meeting it was moved the church complete the baptistery.
In September, 1928 Rev. VanDerLinden came to the field. He served in this pastorate until January 1, 1943.
On October 24, 1928 at a business meeting it was moved and carried that this church should retain the Church Covenant of the Millwood Church as the official Covenant of this church.
The sale of the parsonage lot was discussed. A motion was made at a business meeting on July 17, 1929 that we sell the same if it should be agreeable to Rockland Church.
On October 11, 1931 the church decided to establish a Deacon's Fund, an offering to be taken at the close of each Communion Service.
In 1933 the Boyce Church entertained the Shenandoah Association. Rockland assisted in serving.
On August 26, 1934 Mr. Fred Publes was appointed as B.Y.P.U. leader.
In 1938 the Woman's Missionary Society had a State Jubilee Meeting in Winchester. The Boyce W.M.S. group paid for the board and lodging of two delegates from a distance to attend this meeting. The president of the Boyce society, Mrs. Clay Carr, was given a warm seat of honor among the officials at this meeting. The Jubilee Year recognized fifty years since the beginning of the Virginia Woman's Missionary Union. In 1938 our church had an active Girl's Auxiliary, Royal Ambassador Chapter, and Sunbeam Band - all doing good work.
1940 – 1949
The lanterns hanging from the ceiling of the sanctuary were placed in this church as a tribute to Mrs. Lora Wharton Stinson by her pupils in the public schools on March 17, 1940. These lanterns replaced the round tube lights that were in- stalled when the church was built.
On August 28, 1940 Boyce Church entertained the Shenandoah Association.
In February, 1941 the subject of the W.M.U. meeting was ''A Debtless Denomination". Our denomination was deep in debt because of the neglect during the 75 million dollar campaign launched in 1933. In September of that year the ladies adopted the ''Unit Plan" for the Debtless Denomination, thus forming a unit by contributing ten dollars. It was reported in January, 1942 that this goal had been met in 1941, and a goal of 1 ½ units was accepted for 1942. The Society raised two units in 1943.
The first known Associational Youth Rally was held in Boyce in 1942. There were approximately 150 in attendance and the rally ended with a picnic supper on the parsonage lawn. This was one of the most important events for youth work, bringing our young people together from all over the Association for a time of recreation and a time to get acquainted.
Other youth rallies were held in the Association during the decades of the 1950's and 1960's until about 1970.
On September 1, 1943 the Rev. Gordon T. Mason came to serve as pastor in the Boyce Baptist Church, along with his church at Middleburg and Long Branch in Loudoun County. He served until April 30, 1947. During his pastorate he lived in Middlebury.
On the first Sunday night in November, 1945 our church joined six other churches of our Association in a school of missions, having six foreign missionaries home on furlough due to the war to speak to these churches, a different missionary at each church each night.
On March 31, 1946 the church discussed selling the lot between the parsonage and the Zombro home. The church decided to sell half of the lot and keep half of it. Half of the lot was then sold to Mr. John Zombro for $250.
On April 21, 1946 a new bathroom is being installed. The cistern is being enlarged.
On August 25, 1946 the church voted to extend the call to Rev. Dargan Lucas. He was a young seminary student doing missionary work in our Association during the summer and had one more term in Seminary to complete. Rev. Lucas accepted the call and started his work on the field on June 8, 1947. In October, 1953 Rev. and Mrs. Lucas moved to Waynesboro, Virginia.
Rev. and Mrs. Lucas were very active in our missionary work and attended the meetings regularly. He loved people so much that very often he was ministering outside of the church and she filled many of the officer’s positions.
Mrs. Lucas also taught the children's class in Sunday school. During the Sunday school time you would hear her and children singing as she played an old pump organ. The Sunday school room was located on the east side of the sanctuary. Also it is believed there was a heating stove in the class- room. (Today this classroom is divided into two classrooms by a permanent wall partition.)
At this time the church was heated by a coal furnace sitting in the aisle. Mr. L. H. Roy would often times fire it up and get some heat going before the people came. Many times the people would come in from the cold and gather around the furnace. On the floor at this time was a rubber runner. The pulpit area had an oriental rug on it.
In 1947 Mr. Fred Pope Kemtoned the interior of the church auditorium for $25. The church purchased an oil burning unit for the furnace from O'Connells in Winchester, the church voted to continue having Communion the first Sunday in each quarter, and the Associational Meeting was held at our church.
Mr. Amos Hoff was elected deacon on July 2, 1947. He was faithful in this capacity until his illness. He died on January 23, 1948. The church voted on February 17 to ask Mr. S. A. Riley to take the vacant place. The church also decided to ask some young deacons; namely, Floyd Hoff Robert Devers, and Orie Royston. The four deacons were ordained on June 13, 1948.
In May, 1948 the Rockland Baptist Church expressed their desire to withdraw from this field of churches to start a Union church. They wanted to withdraw on or about October 1st or after Methodist conference met.
On January 6, 1949 at a monthly business meeting, the church discussed the possibility of remodeling the basement and making a nice classroom instead of trying to soundproof the Beginners Department.
On March 29, 1949 the church voted to buy the lot back of the church from Mr. L. E. Clark for $300.
The church would have picnics at a place on the Opequon Creek that was, at that time, owned by the First Baptist Church in Winchester. Mr. Robert Devers would bring a wagon from a farm and many would take a hayride to the picnic site. At the picnic a bonfire would be made for a wiener roast.
1950 – 1959
All the men of the church were invited to meet at the parsonage for a supper meeting to organize a Brotherhood. On February 9, 1950 it was announced the Brotherhood had been organized. Plans had been in the making for this organization since the latter part of November.
In 1950 our church field consisted of Boyce and Mountain churches.
In June, 1950 the church discussed the proposed right-of-way through the church grounds for State Highway Route 12. The Highway Department proposed terms of $71 for the land taken plus $150 for the loss of two trees, which would have to be cut, making a total of $221 for land and damages. The church voted to accept it.
On July 26, 1950 the Brotherhood announced they were going to sponsor an auction sale sometime in the fall to start a building fund.
In August 1950 the treasurer of the Ladies Aid Society gave a check to the C&E Co of Front Royal for the full amount of $362 when they finished insulating the parsonage with rick wool.
On September 29, 1950 the parsonage was improved by installing two oil furnaces by Mouldens Electrical Co of Winchester.
In 1950, Mrs. Dargan Lucas, our pastor's wife, reorganized the mission group, Young Woman's Auxiliary. In her honor the organization was named the Beverly Hammond Lucas Young Woman's Auxiliary. For a couple of years Mrs. Lucas led this organization. During this time a mock “Tom Thumb Wedding” was portrayed in the Boyce Baptist Church by the young people. Miss Louise Peyton (now Mrs. Brenham of Winchester), a Young Woman's Auxiliary member, assisted Mrs. Lucas with the cast. The church was filled to capacity for this event. A silver offering was taken and the proceeds were used to buy the beautiful portrait of Christ that still hangs in the back of the pulpit. (Note: The picture mentioned here was placed over the door in the rear of the sanctuary in 1998) Also it is known that Mrs. Lucas and her Young Woman's Auxiliary purchased a slide projector and presented it to the church.
In the spring of 1951 committees from Rockland Community church and our church met to discuss the matter of buying Rockland's share in the parsonage. Our church paid Rockland $3,000 for their half share.
The Carr family presented to the church a Conn Electronic Organ bearing a plate inscribed “To the Glory of God and in memory of Sue Wharton Carr – presented by her family April 6, 1952”. The organ was dedicated on Palm Sunday evening. April 6.
Rev. Paul E Reiter became supply pastor the first of November, 1953. He was ordained on Sunday morning, January 24, 1954 at the First Baptist Church in Winchester and immediately became pastor of the Boyce Baptist Church. He served for six years until June, 1960.
In April 1954 the Board of Trustees met and decided to make plans for a toilet in the church and a room in the basement, if possible.
The first recorded annual business meeting was held on September 30, 1954.
On December 6, 1954 the church voted to use weekly envelopes in place of monthly envelopes for tithes and offerings.
The Educational Building was completed in 1957. In June, 1958 the Woman's Missionary Society decided to give a white Bible to any young lady who had been a member of the Young Woman's Auxiliary and was about to be married. The first young woman to receive this honor was Miss Nancy Peyton and many of our young women have been given this honor.
In November 1958 the Woman's Missionary Societies of the Berryville, Boyce and Calvary Baptist Churches began having their Mission Study Classes for Foreign and Home Missions together, alternating from one church to the other. Several years later the women of the Calvary Baptist Church decided it was best for their studies to be church wide for their women and young people so they left us. The women of Boyce and Berryville have continued to meet together and at present the Greenway Baptist Church of Stephens City Joined us. The Foreign Mission study Course is held at Berryville and the Home Mission Study Course is held at Boyce. Today these studies are open to everyone in the church and we have had some men interested in missions to attend.
On May 7, 1959 the Boyce Church entertained the Shenandoah Association.
Mr. Charles Ritter, a layman of Winchester, supplied our pulpit after our pastor resigned in June 1960.
On August 28, 1960 the Rev. Homer South became our pastor. He served us for twenty-three months and resigned on August 1, 1962.
In 1961 Miss Jean South was the first girl of the Boyce Baptist Church to be crowned Queen of Girl's Auxiliary. She was crowned at an association wide coronation held at the Charles Town Baptist Church.
Dr. Melton Wright of the First Baptist Church of Winchester served our church as supply pastor for approximately eighteen months following Rev. South's resignation.
The fifth Girl's Auxiliary Coronation for the Shenandoah Association was held in our church on November 25, 1962. Mrs. Raymond Carter, Girl's Auxiliary Counselor at the Boyce Baptist Church as well as Director of the Shenandoah Girl's Auxiliary, was in charge of the program. The Queens for the Boyce Baptist Church were Misses Mary Lout Shugars, Ella Mae Coffelt, Ruth Ann Carter, Mattie Devers and Linda Dofflemyer. Miss Judy Hall was Princess and Miss Judy Vance was Lady-in-Waiting. The following Maidens were in the Queen's Court: Misses Patsy Albright, Sarah Golightly, Susan Hudson, Evie Kibler, Frances Arnold and Sharon Siler.   A recommendation was made and adopted that Girl's Auxiliary Coronations be held after this in churches within the group, rather than association wide. The churches of the Association were divided into three groups.
The Rev. Harvey E Hall became our pastor on July 1, 1964 and he served the pastorate until he resigned on August 31, 1968.
In time Mrs. Edgar Coffelt Sr. became Director of the local Girl's Auxiliary for approximately eight years. The girls loved her. She was assisted during these years by Mrs. Joe McCormack, Mrs Lodge Bowles, Mrs. Harvey Hall, Mrs. Floyd Hoff, Miss Kay Hoff, Mrs. Billie Hott and Mrs. Peggy Sims.
The work of the young people has many times thrilled and inspired us greatly. On April 9, 1967 the members of the Girl's Auxiliary presented a Hymn Sing at Correctional Field Unit Number Seven at White Post. It was with joy that those of us who were present witnessed the sincerity of the inmates as they sang the well-known hymns. This was a never-to-be-forgotten experience.
In 1968-69 the family of Isaiah and Inez Burke had the sign on the front lawn built. This sign bears a plaque with the following inscription:  “In Honor of our Parents Isaiah and Inez Burke for their loyalty and dedication by their Sons and Families. April 6, 1969”
Immediately following Rev. Hall's resignation, the Rev. Richard G Moore, a retired army chaplain, became our supply pastor and served for fifteen months through November 1969.
On December 1, 1969 the Rev. Wilson D Jones accepted the pastorate. He came to us with a great interest in missions. He served us for sixteen years and two months through February 1986.
 During the year of 1970 several decisions were made at the monthly church business meetings which later developed into traditions of our church. In February it was decided to have reports from all the department/organizations at each monthly business meeting. It was also decided to have a procedure to distribute and process Visitor's cards at the Sunday morning service. In November it was decided to give the Christmas program offering to the Lottie Moon Foreign Missions. During the same meeting the church decided to deliver contributions of canned goods and non-perishable foods to the Children's Home in Salem each Thanksgiving. In 1974 the church decided to give our Thanksgiving Day service offering in lieu of the canned goods.
On February 28, 1970 our church entertained the Association for a Sunday school clinic called “Shaping the 70's”
The last Girl's Auxiliary Coronation was held at the Charles Town Baptist Church on September 27, 1970. Queens for our church were Misses Beverly Grim and Lola Travers. Queens-with-Scepters were Misses Jo Ann Bolden and Roberta McCormack. Miss Rebecca Earles was a Lady-in-Waiting. Misses Pamela McCormack, Kathy Hott and Patricia Earles were Maidens.
In December 1970 it was decided at a business meeting to install red carpet on the steps in the educational building.
In 1970 the following improvements were made on the parsonage: A drain field and septic tank installed, aluminum siding was put on, and masonite paneling installed inside the porches. To help pay these expenses a special account was established styled Boyce Baptist Church Parsonage Repair Fund.
In February 1970 it was decided to start evening services at 7:30PM and in August plans were made to have mission night twice a month preceding evening worship service. A Royal Ambassador Chapter was organized and sponsored by the Men's Bible Class. By November two Chapters had been formed – six boys in the Pioneer group and two boys in the Crusade group. A few years later the evening services and mission nights were discontinued due to lack of interest shown by the church members. 
In January 1971 the church observed Baptist Men's Day.  As part of the observance the men took charge of the morning worship service. This observance has become an annual event which is practiced to this date.
On March 9, 1971 the church voted and carried the following recommendation from the Deacon Board: There will be no selling by the Boyce Baptist Church or in the name of the Church either on or off our property and that no other group or organization be permitted to use our facilities for such purposes.
On May 25, 1971 the Mission and Education Committee met jointly with the deacons for the purpose of hearing and considering important information presented by our pastor, Rev Wilson Jones. Following much Discussion, prayer and concern, the two groups decided to recommend to the church that our church sponsor a mission at Shenandoah Farms. A survey of the area was made to see if there were enough interested families. Later the church held a vacation Bible school there, followed by Sunday-School and worship service which commenced on August 1, 1971. On September 19, 1977 this mission constituted as a church, namely Shenandoah Farms Baptist Church. A Service of Organization and Dedication was held on October 20, 1977 to commemorate the constitution of the church. 
In August 1971 a group from the church attended Ridgecrest.
In 1971 a cabinet was installed in the men's restroom for storing supplies. In October 1971 a Training Union and Mid-Week Prayer Service were started. The Training Union met for the first time on Sunday evening, October 3 with 29 present dividing into the following groups: one adult, two youth, two children and one pre-school. In the spring of 1972 the mid-week prayer service was discontinued until the fall due to low attendance. In time both events were discontinued.
In October 1971 the church decided to call Miss Jerrilyn Seiger as a choir director. At this time Miss Seiger was a junior at the Shenandoah Conservatory in Winchester and a member of the Fishersville Baptist Church.
In 1972 two tin tubs were purchased to be used in the dressing rooms after baptismal services and a heater was installed for the baptistery. Also the church extended thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Albright for new Baptistery curtains.
A Music Committee was established to coordinate the music program of the church. The Missions Committee was enlarged from three to five members composed W.M.U. Director, Chairman of Deacons, Brotherhood Director, one active deacon and one member at large.
During the annual business meeting of September 23, 1972 gifts of appreciation were presented to Mrs. Hallie Lloyd – a garden plaque for flowers in the church; Orie Royston for service as Sunday-School Director and Mrs. J.R. Strode and Mrs. Helen Cornwell for services as Sunday-School teachers.
In 1973 the church authorized the Music Committee to secure choir roves for the Junior Choir. These robes were purchased through donations. Mr. W.D. Luttrell donated a metal wardrobe to house these robes in. Also summer robes for the Chancel Choir were purchased.
On May 20, 1973 a Dedication Service was held for the following memorials:
  1. A film projector given by Mrs. Virginia Cooke in memory of her son, Donald Cooke
  2. A portable library given by the Hoff Family in memory of Mrs. Amos Hoff and given by the Shugars Family in memory of Mrs. Shugars' mother, Mrs. French and given by Mrs. Margaret Frazier Martz in memory of her husband, Herbert Frazier.
  3. Two tables at the inside front entrance of the church were given by Mr. And Mrs. Ernest Adams in memory of their mothers, Mrs. Sadie Royston and Mrs. Ethel Adams.
The portable library unit was built by Mr. Robert Hummer. The memorial fund paid for the materials and the purchase of some books. On several occasions books were purchased from a Baptist Warehouse. The two tables were made by Mr. Ernest Adams.
In July 1973 several members and families in our church spent a week together in a lodge at the Eagle Eyrie Baptist Assembly in Lynchburg, Virginia.
In October 1973 the church voted Sunday-School members could be allowed to miss two Sundays a year for sickness or death in the immediate family and still get a perfect attendance pin for the year. Individuals can receive a perfect attendance pin for any twelve month period and the pins will be awarded at the Christmas program. The church also voted no transferral of membership letter can be granted to anyone or no name be removed from the church roll except at a regular business meeting for any reason other than death.
During the year 1974 an Audio-Visual Aid Committee was established to plan Audio-Visual programs so the church could take advantage of materials available. Members of this committee were selected by the Nominating Committee. The church also had pictures taken for a church pictorial directory. Patsy Elsea was elected to coordinate this work. Fifty five families came to have pictures taken for the book.
On May 25-26 1974 our church entertained approximately thirteen children and two adults from the Children's Home. They arrived on Saturday afternoon. The church provided supper for that evening. Various church families housed our guests for the night and provided the morning breakfast. The group presented music and a speaker for the Sunday morning service. The church provided lunch before their departure.
In September 1974 the church participated in the World Missions Conference. Our guest missionary was the Rev. Frank Schwall. The church paid for lunches for our pastor and guest. Various church members entertained them in their homes for the evening meal.
Several improvements were made to the property during 1974:
  1. The old folding doors in the sanctuary were replaced with new ones. Members of the congregation refinished the woodwork around these doors.
  1. A public address system was installed by Mr. Edward Diffendaffer of Charles Town, West Virginia. The system was paid for by a donation received from Mr. And Mrs. James Clevenger (local business persons) and from funds in the Massey Memorial Fund.
  1. New carpet and a 42-inch thermostatically controlled heater were installed in the small room on the northwest corner of the sanctuary. This room was used at the time by the pastor as a counseling room.
  1. The curtains around the nursery in the educational building were replaced with permanent walls.
  1. The walkway between the church and the educational building was enclosed.
In June 1974 four of our girls attended the National Acteen Conference in Memphis, Tennessee commemorating the Fifth Anniversary of Acteens.
At Christmas in 1974 the Enders Funeral Home in Berryville gave oranges to the Sunday school. They continued this practice for many years. At that time the Sunday school purchased the oranges. These oranges were given out on the Sunday before Christmas to every Sunday school member.
In December 1974 Mr. James Sipe gave a Christmas tree and continues to do this each year. The Decorating Committee of the church decorates the tree. Mrs. Edith Rodgers decorated the church for many years. Today the Decorating Committee does this and still uses some of the decorations Mrs. Rodgers had given to the church.
In November 1975 the church gave to Mrs. Strode and her family the chairs from the Millwood Baptist Church which was stored in the basement. Mrs. Strode was our only living charter member from the Millwood Church.
A Church Council committee was established in 1975. This committee composed of heads of various organizations to plan a church calendar of activities to cover a three-month period.
In 1975 curtains were installed in the upstairs of the educational building to provide additional Sunday school rooms for the children. The curtains were arranged so they could be open to use floor space. Permanent partitions were built in the educational building from the nursery to the south wall. This provided additional Sunday-School rooms for the smaller children.
During the year of 1975 the church borrowed money from the Bank of Clarke County to pay bills for repair work done on the church and parsonage. This money was placed in a separate account styled Boyce Baptist Church Property Repair Fund.
On October 7, 1976 the Boyce Church entertained the Shenandoah Association. Lunch was served at the Parish Hall.
On September 24, 1977 the church voted to purchase forty Bibles of King James Version to place in racks for the congregation to use. Our pastor expressed he would like for the congregation to join in responsive and unison readings from the Bible during the Sunday morning services.
On May 8, 1978 the church entertained the Shenandoah Association Acteen Council with dinner. Also in May the church participated in the World Missions Conference. Dr. Frank Voight was our guest.
In 1978 the church purchased the New Baptist Hymnal in the cranberry color. Several members gave donations for these as memorials or in honor of loved ones.
On September 13, 1978 the church voted to structure the Sunday-School classes by school grades rather than by age:
  1.  Jr. High - 7th  and 8th  grades
  2.  Sr. High - 9th  through graduation
In 1978 the name of the Entertainment of Ministers Committee was changed to Hospitality Committee. The office of the Church Training Director was added to General Church Officers. The church voted to pay for our minister and visiting minister and their families during revival and other special activities if the Hospitality Committee is unable to secure enough volunteers for meals.
On October 17, 1978 the church entertained the Shenandoah Association Pastor's Conference with lunch.
In December 1978 storm windows were installed in the educational building. Fourteen windows were purchased from Armstrong.
On February 14, 1979 a committee was selected to compile a church history.
In April 1979 blue drapes were given around the choir areas by Mrs. Callie D Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frame and Mrs. Marjorie Sweet in memory of Mr. Callie D Baker, the husband of Mrs. Callie D Baker and the father of Mrs. Sweet and Mrs. Frame; Richard Alan Frame, the son of Mr. And Mrs. Richard Frame and Mrs. Ruth Frame, the mother of Mr. Richard Frame. These drapes replaced the burgundy drapes that had been there.
In August 1979 the church voted to purchase a repossessed organ from the Commercial and Savings Bank in Winchester. The organ was a Con and was 5 years old. The organ was delivered on Monday November 19 and played for the first time for the Thanksgiving service. The organ was dedicated on Sunday evening June 29, 1980. Mr. R.L. Dalton presented a program of music. A memorial plate was put on the organ which read: “This organ is dedicated to the Glory of God and made possible by memorial gifts of families and friends of Callie Baker, Donald Cooke, Sarah Pyne, Orie Royston, and Turner Willey and by generous gifts of members and friends of the church. March 23, 1980”.



In 1980 blue Choir robes were purchased for the chancel choir to replace the black robes that were worn. A Heyer Mimeograph Machine was purchased from B&K Office Supply in Winchester to replace the old mimeograph machine. A door was installed between the nursery and the ladies' restroom. A new roof was put on the educational building.
In October 1980 the Youth Department of the Sunday school invited the Adult Department to join them in fellowship the first Sunday of each month for one-half hour preceding Sunday school. Donuts, coffee, juice, etc. was provided.
New floor covering in the basement of the educational building was installed in 1981.
At the annual business meeting of September 1981 the church voted to hold the election of officers and teachers in June and they will serve the first of July. This change was to facilitate the church clerk so she could have current names to submit as part of her report for the Associational Letter.
In May 1982 our church participated in the World Missions Conference. The church provided the meal for the Wednesday evening meal. At the September 1982 Annual Business Meeting it was decided to change the annual business meeting form from the last Sunday in September to the last Sunday in June effective June 1983. 
In August 1983 the church voted to participate in “Fish Sunday” the first Sunday of each month. This was a voluntary contribution of food or money. Subsequently at the November business meeting it was decided that this would be a one time event.
On October 22, 1983, four members of the church participated in a bike-a-thon for World Hunger. The same month the WMU reported that seven members attended the World Day of Prayer program in Winchester. 
During the June 1984 Business meeting the church instructed the Nominating Committee to establish a committee of 5 people to draw up a proposed set of by-laws for the church. In September of that year the following people were put on the committee: Dennis Elsea, Virginia Cooke, Doreen Coffelt, Lawrence Payne and Pam Herbaugh. They were instructed to draft a constitution for the church. The minutes of this meeting note that the church had no notes unpaid at the time. 
In January 1987 the church voted to call Rev John Emert as pastor. Rev. Emert accepted and moved into the parsonage in April 1987. He served until August 1990.
Planning for the church's Centennial was started in May 1987. Several committees were assigned the various parts of the event. The Sanctuary floors and woodwork were refinished in February 1988. This involved moving the pews out of Sanctuary while the work was done.
The church purchased a piano in July, 1987.
In January 1989 Gale Snider and Donna Crider buried a time capsule behind the sign on the front lawn. It is to be dug up and opened at the 25 year anniversary of the capsule's burial.
In February 1990 the “Brotherhood” was established at Boyce Baptist Church. This organization functioned for many years. 
A search for a new pastor was started after John Emert's resignation in August of 1990. In February 1991 the church voted to call Carlysle Crank as interim pastor. He served in this capacity until May 1992 when the church extended the call to him as full-time pastor. He accepted the call effective October 1 1992 and served as full-time pastor until November 1994. As per Rev Crank's request the church agreed that Rev Crank could continue to reside at his home in Warren County and that the parsonage would be rented out. The church purchased a vehicle for him to use to commute to church and for visitation.
In June 1991 the church presented to Patsy Carpenter a pin to celebrate her 33 years of perfect church attendance. In April 1992 the church decided to divide up the educational building into classrooms and had shelves built into the library. In July 1993 the church installed new chandeliers in the sanctuary.
Planning for the August 1993 homecoming was started in December 1992. 
A new “Young Married's Class” was started in August 1993. Sam Gunter was selected as the first teacher for this class.
In the spring of 1994 the church decided to install a handicap ramp at the front entrance of the church. The ramp itself was completed in July 1994. The railing was completed and installed later. During this same period the church purchased and installed a pre-made stair and railing for the church office.
After Rev Crank's resignation, the church called Dr Phillip A Duckett as interim pastor for as long as he would be available. Dr. Duckett was in the process of selling his house in Warren County so that he could move out of state and was not sure how long he would be available. As events worked out Dr. Duckett was only available through March 19, 1995.
In June of 1995 the church called Malcolm McMillan as Interim Pastor. Mr. McMillan was a licensed pastor. He served in this capacity until June 1997.
As of April 1997 the church had been 2 ½ years without a full time pastor. There was much discussion during this meeting of what needed to be done to get someone full time. Over the next several months the pastor-search committee contacted and interviewed several candidates. In November 1997 a special meeting voted to call Rev Clinton B Lawyer effective Jan 1, 1998. Rev Lawyer accepted the call and served at the church until July 2005.
In January 1996 the monthly business meeting discussed solutions for enlarging the church facilities. The Sunday school program was continuing to grow and more space was needed. A proposal was made to consider building a new building measuring 40' X 60' alongside the existing educational building. The church voted to invest $500 on site and floor plans for the project. In February 1997 the church voted to spend $1200 for a more complete set of plans so that they could get bids for the project. In December 1998 there were more discussions on the project with some discussion about whether the church might need to buy another property. Parking was an ongoing problem even though the church had permission from the fire hall to use their parking during services. In April 1999 a committee was established to research the costs involved in: 1) Remodeling the present educational facilities. 2) Building an addition to the existing educational building. 3) Other items of maintenance that were discussed. The committee was given until May 16 to complete its work. Sam Gunter was appointed to head up a building fund drive. At the special meeting on May 23, 1999 the results were discussed without a decision being made. During the June 1999 meeting the discussion centered on the renovation of the existing educational building. By the August 1999 meeting the committee had an estimate of $211,000 to remodel the existing educational building. This included repairs to the roof and guttering. By February of 2000 the church had one bid on the project. At the April 2000 meeting the committee reported they were having problems getting bids. Part of the problem seems to have been not having enough construction details for construction companies to work with. There was discussion of how to fund this project and a mention of a possible source of funding. In October 2000 the church decided to start the project with remodeling of the bathroom facilities. The church approved $25,000 for this part of the project. A renovation committee was formed consisting of Gale Snider, Todd Hott, Steve Hott, Sam Gunter and Alan Young. The renovations got under way in June of 2001. While some work was farmed out to contractors, most of the work was done by Sam Gunter. In April 2002 the Men's bathroom was finished and work was started on the Ladies bathroom. The men's room passed inspection in October of 2002. The final work on the project was completed in February of 2002. The meeting minutes record that Sam Gunter commented that “That fellow retired!” in this final report. As Sunday school attendance had fallen off during the length of the project no further work was planned.
The church decided in the October 1997 business meeting to replace the picture of Christ that hung on the front wall behind the pulpit with an oak cross. There was a spirited discussion concerning this with a decision to make the change temporarily. In June 2003 the church decided to leave the cross at the front of the church and hang the picture of Christ praying over the entrance at the rear of the hall.
The leadership of Boyce Baptist Church had been concerned for some time with the liberal tendencies in the leadership of the Southern Baptists of Virginia. In August 1997 the church decided the move the church's membership from the Southern Baptists of Virginia to the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia. The church was one of the founding members of the organization. The church also removed its membership from the Shenandoah Baptist Association. During April 1998 business meeting a representative of the Shenandoah Baptist Association, Rev Charlie Lumpkin, asked for a time to address various “misconceptions” he felt the church had. The meeting granted him the time to do so. In the discussion that followed the meeting decided to take a “wait and see” approach.
The church entered the internet age in February 2003 with the establishment of a web site built by Cathy Albright.
In July 2005 the church called Rev. Benjamin W. Jenkins as Interim pastor. The church called Rev. Jenkins as full-time pastor in February 2006.
Pastor Jenkins brought with him to Boyce a passion for missions. His first trip internationally was to Nicaragua in May of 2005. He made this trip with his wife Brenda and daughter Brittany. In the summer of 2006, Rev. Jenkins and his wife returned to Nicaragua. In May of 2007 Pastor Jenkins traveled to Kenya, East Africa for twelve days of presenting the Gospel to the Massai people of the Rift Valley area. This mission effort was sponsored by the International Missions Board and the SBCV.
A “Story Cloth” which depicts the Bible in picture form was used to communicate the Gospel to the Massai in Kenya, as they have no written language. A “Story Cloth” like the one used in Africa by Pastor Jenkins was quilted by Mrs. Merle Jones and now hangs in the church sanctuary as both a pictorial display of God’s word and a testimony to Boyce Baptist’s commitment to missions.
In the summer of 2008 Pastor Jenkins and Brenda were asked by Smyrna Baptist church to lead a missions trip to Nicaragua, that church’s first international missions effort. They were accompanied by Kelsa Lambert.
During the Nov 2006 meeting of the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia Boyce Baptist Church was recognized as one of the founding members of the organization. 
Plans for the 120th anniversary celebration were made in late 2007. The homecoming was held on August 10 2008 with an attendance during the morning service of 115. There was a grand time of food and fellowship after the morning service, followed by an afternoon meeting that featured a slide show of old pictures from the church and activities.


Mrs. Edith Rogers was certainly a fine Christian lady. She taught Sunday-School and worked around the community quietly helping the needy. A “Music” fund was once established in her honor to help with the purchase of music materials for the choir ministry.