Boyce Baptist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Sin of Intoxicating Drug Use...Wine and Marijuana

Our society has been plagued by the scourge of alcohol consumption since its earliest beginnings.  Not even a Constitutional amendment could abate the thirst for this intoxicating poison. 
Recently, the effort to compound the heartaches and horrors of alcohol by legalizing Marijuana, has gained increasing support.  The social, economic, but most of all spiritual costs of this decision will be catastrophic.
In an effort to provide Biblical teaching on these issues, we have posted pdf files of John MacArthur's sermon series on "Be Not Drunk With Wine" below.  While these three sermons deal with alcohol in particular, the sin of dampening our minds and compromising our bodies and the principles of holy living are the same with regard to Marijuana.
In addition, we have provided an additional pdf resource regarding this issue.
Ultimately, for the Christian, the greatest tragedy is when a so-called Christian, through their practices, influences a weaker brother or sister to fall, thus contributing to their eternal loss.  I believe God will require their blood at the hands of those who claimed to follow Christ and by virtue of their influence caused another to stumble.
Pastor Ben